Jackson's New Habit
Jackson has started this weird new habit where he feels the need to make
Toby comfy and cozy. He grabs blankets and pillows and puts them all around
Toby. ...
Snow Day
Brayden stayed with us for this winter's snow day. We almost made it all
winter without seeing any snow so we were kinda glad to see it come.
Brayden woke ...
Today Adam and I took Brody to a local farm that has a corn maze, this year it was in the shape of an owl, www.nhcornmaze.com. ...every so often you would come along a mailbox that would have a clue as to which way to go, Brody was so excited every time he found a mailbox, he would make Adam pick him up so he could get the clue out and have Adam read it to him. ..sometimes we would get the trivia questions wrong on the clue card and go the wrong way!!
This year I decided to take out the old "film" camera, no digital, and got some really good pictures of Brody. He was very cooperative and actually was picking his own positions and backgrounds and even smiled for the camera.
We got up early and went apple and peach picking with my family, Brody was really excited because those are his two favorite fruits. It took all he had not to take a bite out of every peach and apple. He also really enjoyed be pulled around the orchard in the wagon.
He was a natural at this!!
He kept telling us which ones were "yucky"
He eventually caved and started eating one, he ate the whole thing!
Nana and Papa helped him get the good the ones on the top of the tree
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
On our drive back home we decided to stop in Gatlinburg, TN. While we were in town we went to the Ripleys Aquarium, museum, mirror maze and illusion museum. However we could only take pictures in the aquarium and ripleys museum.
This was as you enter the aquarium, Brody was already excited and he didn't even now there was more to come. Adam and Brody looking at the shark tank from above
This is part of the underwater tunnel that you walk through, it goes right through the shark tank, needless to say it was a little bit scary. This is a picture of a saw fish, there were a ton of these just laying on the ceiling above us.
we tried to get a picture of brody in the diving suit but he just wanted to climb all over it.
These were really neat exibits, they were fish tanks that you had to crawl into and look at the fish from the middle, Brody loved it!!
This was not as easy as it looks, I don't think those tunnels were not meant for adults.
Brody found NEMO!!!
He was really excited to see the penquins. The penquin exibit had tunnels but those pictures did not come out as good.
The penquin looked like he needed a hug.
Adam thought he would take a walk in forrest gumps shoes...
At the ripleys believe it not museum there was a moving floor, Brody was fascinated by this, he kept moving the leaves around.
So I apologize it took so long to update but after alot of complaints I finally added some pictures from easter. I promise I will try to keep the blog a little better updated but it is hard taking pictures of a very active toddler....
Early easter morning cartoons, if I had to guess it was probably sponge bob.
This is the face he gets right before he does something he should'nt be doing
He loved the easter egg hunt we had, he didn't really know what to do once he found them but he loved finding them.
Checking with his cousin to make sure the eggs were good? not really sure actually what he was doing..haha
...probably wishing his hand were bigger
Brody took a break to play with his ball.
Later that day he decided that he wanted to ride a bike like big boys, so papa attempted to teach him, he is obviously to small but Brody loved it.